Censorship on Art. Why?

This past semester, as part of my Documentary Discourse and Practices module, I had to create a 15-minute visual documentary on a topic of my choosing. After weeks of deep philosophical pondering, I finally opted for a subject that is very important and significant to me: censorship on art.

I absolutely adore art, the expression of the human mind, a raw, unfiltered truth that represents our deepest and truest emotions. Which is why I find it completely ridiculous, non-sensical and wrong that any kind of art should ever be banned or censored. I do understand that some themes and contents might strike a chord with some people, I don’t deny that some do with me too, however that’s exactly the purpose of art and it should not be the artist’s problem to think of whether you’re going to handle it or not. You should be the boss of yourself and decide what you want or not want to witness, without dictating what anyone else can do or see.

I mean it’s all just very selfish if you ask me.

So that’s the reason why I chose to focus my documentary on this topic, interviewing two artists as that was as much as I could accomplish with such a limited timeframe whilst giving enough time to both of them. The quality is not the best as this was my first project ever of this kind, plus it was the first time I ever got to film stuff using professional cameras, so please understand the struggle.

More information on the project is explained on the video description, so head over to my pal youtube if you’d like to find out more about it and leave a comment either here or there if you have any opinion you’d like to share.

Thanks everyone for reading and as always, have a nice day!
